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Student Council

What is Student Council?

Student Council is an organization of students who wish to use leadership initiatives to encourage student activity and participation within the school. Student Council consists of six members who earn their placement through a democratic student voting system. Those positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Fundraising Coordinator, Secretary and Social Convenor. Also essential to the success of the council are Teacher Advisors and constant support from administration. Through summer planning, weekly meetings and continuous work the Student Council prepares a year full of activities and opportunities for Seaway students.

Though Student Council themselves are key organizers of many major events, they look to the students for input and ideas regarding favored activities. As a group, Student Council’s goal is to promote fulfilling student life and they often use student based ideas to plan events. As these six students are in a leadership role within the school, they are also a major communication device for everyone at Seaway. Not only do they communicate with students about activities, they share information with teachers, administration, Parent Council, and other individuals important to Seaway. Strong communication within the school makes it much easier for all parties to enjoy life and be productive during their time at school. Students and staff are welcomed to make suggestions, provide ideas and participate in the organization of all Student Council initiatives.

Student Council is the core of student life and requires support to function properly. I have no doubt that the spirited Seaway students and staff will continue to be supportive this year as they were during my term. I encourage all students to become active either as a member of Student Council, a volunteer at events, or through communicating ideas with the council. The experience gained from this opportunity is invaluable. Best wishes to this year’s Student Council, staff, students and parents.

Interested in working on Student Council?

Student Council applications are now available in the spring. Anyone interested in running for next year's student council must complete an application. Elections will be held sooner rather than later, so complete your application today!

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