School Mission
Our Mission
Dedicated individuals striving to foster success for all
Branding Statement
Dedicated to learning and caring
For Students
- to encourage and monitor regular attendance and punctuality
- to reinforce good behaviour, co-operation and learning in a safe environment
- to instil respect of self, peers, staff and facilities
- to enable students to work to their best ability
- to allow access to programs that meet present and future needs
From Teachers
- preparation of students for lifelong learning
- provision of relevant, quality programs
- respect of all students
- help for each student to ensure achievement of success in a caring environment
- guidance to enable students to achieve the basic skills necessary to deal with technological changes
With Parents/Community
- to support students as they learn
- to provide resources for students to achieve success
- to encourage respect for staff, students and the learning process
- to assist the school in program delivery
- to provide training opportunities for students in school/work program