Course Calendar/
Course Selections
1) To see the Course Calendar for 2024-25 please reach out to Mr. Crooke in Guidance or call the school at 613-652-4878.
Select your courses for next year by logging onto myBlueprint!
2) Follow this link to access My
3) Create an account – If you are a New User, choose Seaway District H.S. and click Create Account. Speak to your Counsellor or Teacher for your Activation Key.
Existing User? Enter your email and password and click Login.
4) Course Selection – Once in My Profile, click on the Submit Courses button that appears in the Course Selection box on the right. The button will say Plan Courses if course selection is not enabled.
5) Add courses for next year
In High School Planner, click Add [Course].
In the Course Selection and Details screen, explore the available courses.
Click Add Course to Plan when you find the course you want.
6) The Graduation Indicator will help you keep track of your progress. Click View Progress for a list of specific graduation requirements.
7) When you are ready to submit your course selections, click Submit (Step 1 of 2). Note: the Submit button will only appear if course selection is enabled by your school.
8) Carefully review the Submission Details page to ensure that you are meeting the requirements for the courses you have selected and that the courses that appear are correct. Once you have reviewed, click Confirm & Print.
You're done! Print and return a signed copy of your Course Selection Sign-Off Sheet to your Counselor or Teacher.
If you are having difficulty with my Blueprint, talk to your guidance counsellor or visit for many helpful documents.