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College Presentations


Sep 26 - College Information Session

Early Oct - Ontario college application can be done on-line in Student Services Office - Recommend that you apply early !

Nov 20 - First date that 2018/2019 application data will be sent to colleges. Earliest date that colleges may acknowledge applications

Feb 1, 2018  - Equal Consideration Date – College applications received and PAID FOR on or before this date are given equal consideration by the colleges for competitive entry programs. THIS IS NOT A DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS. Applications are still considered by the colleges, but on a first come, first serve basis after this date.

Feb 1, 2018  - Earliest release of offers by colleges to all applicants

Feb 1 2018  - Earliest date that applicants may confirm an offer of admission

March Break - Great time to visit colleges and check out campuses. Refer to Reference Guide.

Apr 23, 2018 - School deadline for electronic submission of interim semester 2 marks to OCAS

May 1, 2018  - Applicants must confirm their acceptance of an offer of admission through the OCAS website

Jun 15, 2018  - Earliest date that colleges may require payment of tuition fees

Mid July - We send your final marks to OCAS

Aug 17, 2018  - Colleges determine whether your final standing meets the conditions of their earlier offer


Additional Notes:

1) Colleges outside Ontario require separate applications. You will need to write to most colleges for their application or check websites for applications. Addresses are all available on the internet. Deadlines vary.

2) If you are a part-time student considering a course obtained from Continuing Education, please discuss your plans with Mr. Lewis soon.

3) Information is arriving daily from the colleges. One of the best ways to prepare yourself for next year is to read as much as you can about the colleges that interest you. Visit the Student Services Office and browse through our literature. If you wish to sign it out, we ask that it be returned the FOLLOWING MORNING. . Stay tuned for announcements about the dates for this year.

5) Please access and share it with your parents. It is an excellent reference and contains the answers to many questions commonly asked about college admission, programs, residence, scholarships, etc.

6) I will be available throughout the year for inpidual and group counselling. Please make an appointment to discuss your educational and career plans.

7) Get into the habit of checking regularly the bulletin board in the Student Services Office. Notices of all visitors will be posted here.

8) All colleges have web sites. In addition to the printed resources and videos available in Student Services, I would encourage you to "surf the net".



Effective Sept. 1/99 the rules changed about what will appear on your transcript. Any grade 11or 12 course dropped or failed after 5 instructional days following receipt of your first report card, will be noted as such on your transcript and therefore forwarded to OCAS. Therefore repeated courses will also now show.


WEBSITES: Ontario School Counselors’ Association Ontario College Application Service College/University transfer agreements OSAP

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