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University Presentations


Sep 19 - University Information Session

Mid Nov - Ontario university applications can be done on-line in Student Services Office

Jan 17, 2018 - Completed on-line university applications are to be at Application Centre in Guelph. They must have received payment to process application.

Feb 6, 2018 - Date to make final changes: Recommended last date for students to submit all information to the OUAC, including university and program changes as well as additional active choices, to be eligible for consideration for early admission. Note: This is not a deadline date. Changes will be accepted and processed by the OUAC at any time.

March Break - Many universities have Open House activities arranged for this time. Refer to

May 29 - All universities must respond to your application

Jun 1 - The earliest date by which Ontario universities may require a response to an offer of admission and a financial commitment of any kind (e.g., registration deposit, residence deposit, etc.) from an Ontario secondary school student

Additional Notes

1) For students planning to attend an American University an SAT test is usually required. For dates of tests, applications and more information, see Mr. Lewis soon .

2) Universities outside Ontario require separate applications. Most applications are done on-line at the universities website. Addresses are all available on the internet. Deadlines vary. See me if you need help.

3) If you are a part-time student considering a course obtained from Continuing Education, please discuss your plans with Mr. Lewis soon.

4) Information is arriving daily from the universities. One of the best ways to prepare yourself for next year is to read as much as you can about the universities that interest you. Visit the Student Services Office and browse through our literature. If you wish to sign it out, we ask that it be returned the FOLLOWING MORNING. I expect that a number of additional universities will send reps to Seaway. Stay tuned for announcements about the dates for this year.

5) Please research the “eINFO” site ( ) and share it with your parents. It is an excellent reference and contains the answers to many questions commonly asked about university admission, programs, residence, scholarships, etc.

6) I will be available throughout the year for inpidual and group counseling. Please make an appointment to discuss your educational and career plans.

7) Get into the habit of checking regularly your school email and Sign-Up Book in the Student Services Office. Notices of all visitors will be posted here.

8) All universities and colleges have web sites. In addition to the printed resources and videos available in Student Services, I would encourage you to "surf the net".

9) Important Information about Semester 2 Interim 4U/4M Marks

The first interim report card marks are calculated by March 2nd. These marks are electronically transferred to the Guelph application centre for their deadline.

Universities will continue to calculate your admission average by combining final 4U/4M from first semester with your interim semester 2 marks of May 5th.

However , due to the March date for early admission offers, please check the specific process used by each institution .


Effective Sept. 1/99 the rules changed about what will appear on your transcript. Any grade 11, 12 or 4U/4M course dropped or failed after 5 instructional days following receipt of your first report card, will be noted as such on your transcript and therefore forwarded to OUAC. Therefore repeated courses will also now show.

WEBSITES Ontario Universities Application Centre Ontario Universities Information Ontario Universities Fair Ontario School Counselors’ Association Ontario College Application Service College/University transfer agreements OSAP

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